In Nursery, we have been using positional language to describe where the little pigs are hiding.

Prizes to be won in Year 6!
The Y6 children have done amazingly well this week in their assessments so we`ve had our first prize draw today!
35 prizes were given out today and there`s still all of these up for grabs after Easter!
Keep earning those raffle tickets, Y6!

This afternoon reception children had great fun baking for our bake sale tomorrow at lower site after school! Don`t forget your pennies to buy some delicious buns.

We`re getting our BAKE on!
This Friday, to raise money for comic relief, both sites are having a cake sale at the end of the school day.
If you are able to donate any baked goods or sweet treats, they can be left at the office of either site.
Children can come in non-uniform or wear red!
Red Nose Day 2025

Team 8 enjoyed an experiment! We made obleck to explore states of matter, oobleck is both a solid and a liquid. It`s also very fun and VERY messy!!

This week Team 4 have been scientists, they have been experimenting shadows through translucent, opaque and transparent objects

Over the last week Team 3 have taken part in the venn Olympics where they worked on Team work skills, invasion game skills, target game skills and circus skills. The children have learnt all about paired balances in P.E and they have developed their skills in push, pull and touch balances.

Today in Team 2, we continued with our paper rolling skills. Can you guess what we`re making!? Some super hard work went into this!

“Strong Early Years Provision: The early years provision is effective, with strong relationships between adults and pupils, a well-organized environment, and activities that enthuse children.“
“Calm and Orderly Environment: The school environment is described as calm and orderly, with good behavior from pupils.“
“Engaged and Resilient Pupils: Pupils listen carefully, focus well on their activities, are keen to join discussions, and demonstrate resilience when facing difficulties.“
“High Expectations from Leaders: School leaders have high expectations, understand what needs to improve, and staff work well together to share ideas and support each other.“
“Ambitious for SEND Pupils: Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they receive good support and achieve well.“
“Effective Safeguarding: Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff understanding their responsibilities and providing good support for vulnerable pupils.“
“Effective Pastoral Support: The pastoral team provides good support for vulnerable pupils, helping them stay safe and enjoy healthy relationships.“
“Pupils Enjoy School: Pupils are enthusiastic about their lessons and enjoy attending school.“
“Extra-curricular Activities: Extra-curricular clubs are well attended, and pupils regularly go on school trips that enhance their classroom learning.“
“Broad Curriculum: Leaders provide a broad range of subjects, which are well-planned, helping pupils remember what they learn.“
“Focus on Reading: There is a strong emphasis on teaching reading, with high-quality training for teachers and effective support for pupils who need extra help.“
“Supportive and Safe Environment: Pupils feel safe, understand that bullying is rare, and know that adults are there to help if needed.“