A week in the life of year 3- we have practiced our attacking and defending skills in tag rugby, got to know our differences and similarities in PSHE, studied Mount Vesuvius in reading and even played our own pentatonic melody using glockenspiels in music. What a busy week!

Over the past week, in Team 3, we have continued to make a collage using the collage paper we made. We conducted a science experiment to find the stretchiest material in science. In PE, we attempted to beat another team using the skills we have been learning this half term.

Over the past week reception have been exploring making beats with instruments, keeping healthy (brushing our teeth) and melting ice

Team 2 had an amazing morning with the toy workshop! They got to experience playing with different toys from the past and found out lots of interesting things!

Here are all the children from Team 5 who have scored 25 in their soundcheck. We will be posting everyday. Let`s see some more faces tomorrow!

The upper key stage 2 science club experimented with mixtures. They had lots of fun making `unpopable` bubbles.
If you want to try it yourself, you will need
1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of washing-up liquid and a straw!

Nursery team have been exploring changes this week. They have been playing with the ice to see how they can make it melt.

Team 3 have developed their under arm skills in P.E this week and competed in some net games. In Science, we have learnt about objects that can change shapes by stretching, pulling and squashing them. In art we have been learning to create textures with paints and different materials.

Team 5 have been extremely busy. In geography, we have been looking at how far some of our food travels to get to us. We also had a visit from our school cook, who told us where some of the ingredients come from for our lunch. We have been looking at different rhythms in music and started a new unit in P.E, football!

Reception have had the BEST day at Potteric Carr. Exploring pond dipping, minibeast hunt and bird watching. The children did the school proud and thank you so much to all our staff and parent volunteers for making it possible.

“Calm and Orderly Environment: The school environment is described as calm and orderly, with good behavior from pupils.“
“Effective Safeguarding: Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff understanding their responsibilities and providing good support for vulnerable pupils.“
“High Expectations from Leaders: School leaders have high expectations, understand what needs to improve, and staff work well together to share ideas and support each other.“
“Extra-curricular Activities: Extra-curricular clubs are well attended, and pupils regularly go on school trips that enhance their classroom learning.“
“Focus on Reading: There is a strong emphasis on teaching reading, with high-quality training for teachers and effective support for pupils who need extra help.“
“Strong Early Years Provision: The early years provision is effective, with strong relationships between adults and pupils, a well-organized environment, and activities that enthuse children.“
“Pupils Enjoy School: Pupils are enthusiastic about their lessons and enjoy attending school.“
“Broad Curriculum: Leaders provide a broad range of subjects, which are well-planned, helping pupils remember what they learn.“
“Effective Pastoral Support: The pastoral team provides good support for vulnerable pupils, helping them stay safe and enjoy healthy relationships.“
“Ambitious for SEND Pupils: Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they receive good support and achieve well.“
“Supportive and Safe Environment: Pupils feel safe, understand that bullying is rare, and know that adults are there to help if needed.“
“Engaged and Resilient Pupils: Pupils listen carefully, focus well on their activities, are keen to join discussions, and demonstrate resilience when facing difficulties.“