British Values

At Adwick Primary School, as well as our core values underpinning the curriculum, we also strive to create a culture that celebrates and promotes fundamental British values while challenging notions that go against these principles. We expect all stakeholders in school inclusive of parents, the governing body, staff and students to adhere to these values.

The Key Values are:

We promote student agency, pupil voice and leadership. We have team Leaders and Deputy Team Leaders from each class from Year 1. Team Leaders meet regularly to discuss issues raised in their Team’s daily meetings.  

The importance of laws, whether those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced at Adwick Primary. Pupils are taught to follow the above Character Values throughout school. They are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Fire Service helps to promote this message.

At Adwick Primary pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we provide a positive environment for young pupils to make informed choices. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through E-Safety, PSHE and Team Meeting sessions.   
Whether it is through choice of challenge, how they record their work or of participation in clubs and activities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices throughout their time at Adwick Primary. 
Mutual respect is at the heart of our values. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. All members of the school community treat each other with respect. At Adwick Primary we encourage children to work in teams, partners and small groups to enrich their learning experiences and ensure children have opportunities to show respect and tolerance to others. During daily team meetings, children make appreciations, apologies, pledges and stands to each other. This is done in a supportive way: 
Pupil consultation (June 2022) – Pupils agreed that when holding each other to account, this is done in a supportive way, for example, sharing strategies to support the behaviour correction. Pupils are also able to help an individual shape an apology, helping them to understand the impact their behaviour has had upon the Team.  

“Focus on Reading: There is a strong emphasis on teaching reading, with high-quality training for teachers and effective support for pupils who need extra help.“

Ofsted Report

“Effective Safeguarding: Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff understanding their responsibilities and providing good support for vulnerable pupils.“

Ofsted Report

“Pupils Enjoy School: Pupils are enthusiastic about their lessons and enjoy attending school.“

Ofsted Report

“Calm and Orderly Environment: The school environment is described as calm and orderly, with good behavior from pupils.“

Ofsted Report

“Engaged and Resilient Pupils: Pupils listen carefully, focus well on their activities, are keen to join discussions, and demonstrate resilience when facing difficulties.“

Ofsted Report

“Extra-curricular Activities: Extra-curricular clubs are well attended, and pupils regularly go on school trips that enhance their classroom learning.“

Ofsted Report

“Effective Pastoral Support: The pastoral team provides good support for vulnerable pupils, helping them stay safe and enjoy healthy relationships.“

Ofsted Report

“High Expectations from Leaders: School leaders have high expectations, understand what needs to improve, and staff work well together to share ideas and support each other.“

Ofsted Report

“Broad Curriculum: Leaders provide a broad range of subjects, which are well-planned, helping pupils remember what they learn.“

Ofsted Report

“Ambitious for SEND Pupils: Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they receive good support and achieve well.“

Ofsted Report

“Supportive and Safe Environment: Pupils feel safe, understand that bullying is rare, and know that adults are there to help if needed.“

Ofsted Report

“Strong Early Years Provision: The early years provision is effective, with strong relationships between adults and pupils, a well-organized environment, and activities that enthuse children.“

Ofsted Report